Dangerous Or Ineffective Methods To Get Rid Of Lice
Moreover, contrary to popular belief, it has never been shown that vinegar water was effective against lice; on the other hand, water with vinegar (1 tablespoon of vinegar for a bowl of water) makes it easier to remove nits when passing the lice comb.
Looking For Lice In The Hair Of People Around You
If you have found head lice in a member of your family, check that the others (brothers, sisters, or other people around you) have not caught it.
Pay particular attention if you notice scratch marks on the skin, or even impetigo, on the back of the neck, scalp, pubis, or trunk. You need to treat any that are infested to stop the spread quickly. On the other hand, do not treat people you have not seen lice: the preventive anti-lice treatment is useless, and it is probably the origin of lice resistance to insecticides.
Lice And Community (School, Nursery, Etc.)
School eviction is not mandatory for a child infested with lice. Even if your child has head lice, he can go to school or nursery as long as you treat him as soon as possible to prevent him from contaminating the rest of the community. On the other hand, if the scratching lesions are complicated by impetigo, expulsion from school is mandatory.
Notify the school’s director, crèche, or any other place where your child is educated or cared for so that preventive measures are taken and other parents are informed. They can then monitor their children’s hair and take the necessary measures.
Treatment Of Body And Pubic Lice (Crabs)
Generally, the disinfestation of linen and bedding is sufficient to get rid of body lice. In any case, ask your doctor for advice. Treatment for crabs is the same as for head lice. Apply strict hygiene measures. In the shower, soap your body well, then rinse thoroughly. If your itching is severe, your lice doctors for example can prescribe a treatment adapted to your situation: an antihistamine or even low-dose corticosteroid creams.
What Does A Nit Look Like?
A nit is very small; it can be confused with hair dirt. It is, therefore, tiny and greyish. If you think you’ve found one, wedge it between your thumb and forefinger and try to pick it up. If it gets stuck and the only way to get it out is to slide it down the hairline, it’s most definitely a nit. Look for others and use lice comb: Run the comb through dry hair. Preferably do this over a white tub or sink to see the lice when they fall. To be sure that it is a louse, approach the hair of the insect: it will cling to it. Make use of experts like Lice Removal Experts in Knoxville for example if it become worst.