Who Is a Candidate for Sedation Dentistry?
Smiles on Queen Dentistry can help you with the right treatment plan for you. Sedation dentistry makes use of drugs to make dental visits more comfortable and anxiety-free. These drugs help people relax or sleep through their dental procedures. It allows people who might normally avoid going to the dentist to get the services they require without the usual concerns.
Types of Sedation Dentistry
Oral sedation, laughing gas, and IV sedation are the three forms of sedation dentistry. Several factors will influence the kind your dentist will employ throughout your surgery.
- Stress exacerbates medical issues.
- You are not a candidate for local anaesthetic.
- Children over the age of one are considered patients.
Are you the right candidate for sedation dentistry?
Anxiety and Dental Phobia
If you fall into this category of patients, oral sedation is your best choice. It will help you relax while keeping you awake.
Long and Traumatic Procedures
It’s possible that certain dental operations will take many hours to complete. This would upset the patients. This is especially true if you have to keep your mouth open for a long time. Sedation is a nice and peaceful choice for you to go through such procedures.
Extreme Pain and Sensitivity
During an unpleasant operation, dentists automatically numb your mouth. Sensitive teeth and gums, on the other hand, may cause discomfort. Dental procedures become frightening as a result. Sedation takes away the sting of the treatment and makes it more bearable. Your dentist will recommend the form of sedation dentistry that is most appropriate for you.
Strong Gag Reflex
You will be more unpleasant during operations if you gag during them. It may also make it more difficult for the dentist to effectively treat you. Your gag reflex can be calmed with sedation, allowing treatments to go more smoothly and comfortably.
Medical Conditions Exacerbated by Stress
In these situations, oral sedation dentistry is quite effective. However, dosage changes are required as a result. This is because, depending on the illness, drugs may take longer to leave the body than usual. Others may take longer for the effects to manifest in their bodies.
Thus, if this resonates with you then you may be the right candidate for sedation dentistry.